

HAVE  YOU SECURED A PLACE AT ST. JOSEPH SEMINARY FOR YOUR SON?  St. Joseph Junior Seminary is a Catholic Boys boarding Secondary School in Nakuru County, slightly few kilometres from Molo town. WE ARE his moral talk to students, few months ago, Very. Rev. Fr. Thomas Nyutu ( the current Rector), reminded students and entire St. Joseph family what it means to be a Seminary school. We are a Seminary lead by our school motto "EXCELLENCE IN MIND AND SPIRIT". Our focus is on the holistic formation of a person in the areas of Academic, Spiritual, and human relation. We do this in collaboration with the entire staff and our stakeholders ( students) too take part in adjusting to the mind of the school. Our desire as a Seminary is that these boys after four years will be men with dignity, who value life and are open minded to adjust to the needs of time. For instance, we also mould them to start buil


"...OUR CHILDREN ARE NOT FAILURES..." After the KCPE results were announced yesterday (28th March 2022) by the Education CS, many parents, teachers and pupils are seen celebrating because of the "good grades"... However, there's that band of innocent girls and boys who got less than the "expected marks". They have no one to celebrate them, they are in "trauma", some lack the sense of belonging... Very. Rev. Fr. Thomas Nyutu , the Rector , St. Joseph Seminary Molo , has given his mind to the public for the suffering girls and boys in the community today. Fr. Thomas Nyutu is a Priest in the Catholic Diocese of Nakuru- Kenya. He holds MA in Linguistics from The University of Nairobi-Kenya. Dear Parents/guardians... Kindly allow me to beg your indulgence on a pertinent issue: KCPE results are already out while KCSE follows shortly later. Please, let us purpose to be the voice of the downtrodden.  For quite some time the whole society


DEAR PADREs... Very. Rev. Fr. Thomas Nyutu is the Rector of St. Joseph Junior Seminary- Molo ...he holds Masters in Linguistic and Literature. Following the anxiety of the 2021 KCPE results and thereafter the KCSE, many parents and guardians wish to see the best fruit of their "fees", how their sons and daughters will repay them...Fr. Thomas has given advice to many on how to handle these "talented queens and kings", that even in their "failure" , they have much to do in the society... FROM VERY. REV. FR. THOMAS NYUTU Kindly allow me to beg your indulgence on a pertinent issue: KCPE results will be out soon. Please, _let us purpose to be the voice of the downtrodden._   After the results are announced, for quite some time the whole society will be up in arms against the poor boys and girls whose KCPE results will not hit the society's definition of succeeding. These are our C sons and D daughters. The media, _mainstream as well as social,_


Dear friends in the Lord, allow me share with you something on " THE HOUR OF MERCY"   On December 1937, our Lord Jesus Christ recommended to Sr. Faustina to honor the hour of mercy as the hour of His death: " often as you hear the clock strike the third hour, immerse yourself completely in my mercy, adoring and glorifying it; invoke its omnipotence for the whole world, and particularly for the poor sinners; for at that moment mercy was opened wide for every soul..." The Lord Jesus also determined the prayers that are appropriate for this form of the divine mercy devotion: "... try your best to make the stations of the Cross in this hour, provided that your duties permit it; and if you are not able, then at least step into the chapel for a moment and adore, in the Blessed Sacrament, My Heart, which is full of mercy; and should you be unable to step into the chapel, immerse yourself in prayer there where you happen to be, if only a very brief in


THE CHAPLET OF THE DIVINE MERCY This Chaplet was dedicated to Sr. Faustina by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself in Vilnius on September 13-14, 1935, as a prayer of atonement and for the appeasement of God's wrath. Those who recite this Chaplet offer to God the Father "the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity", of Jesus Christ in atonement for their sins , the sins of their loved ones , and those of the  entire world. By uniting themselves with the sacrifice of Jesus , they appeal to the great love that our Heavenly Father has for His Son and, in Him, for all humanity. By means of this prayer , the petitioners request "mercy on us and on the whole world", and by so doing , they perform a work of mercy. If the faithful add to this the foundation of trust and fulfill the conditions regarding every good prayer ( humility, perseverance, matters in conformity with God's will), they can expect the fulfillment of Christ's promises which are particularly rel


TELL ME ABOUT HEAVEN.... Article by Sr. Catherine OSF WILL YOU TELL ME ABOUT HEAVEN WITHOUT SCARING ME WITH HELL?  I have always wished to know more about God without being scared of Satan. If this is well explained to me, then I will be able to tell if I truly love God or I am scared of Satan. Sometimes heaven is made so expensive to attain and I'm left wondering whether I will make it there. Is God loving, or scary? is he always smiling? I have these questions in my mind and I would like to know him and not anything else that may sound his opposite; in this case, Satan. In simple terms, can you tell me about God without scaring me with Satan?  I might me wishing to go to heaven just because one of the two options laid before me is scary; I don't want to burn in hell fire 🔥, I don't want to see the scary Satan and so I'm left without option than taking the remaining route which is to heaven. From this it's clear I don't love God, but he is the o

ON HUMAN LIFE ( Part 3 )

Married Love    (  Part 3) Finally, this love is fecund. It is also confined wholly to the loving interchange of husband and wife; it also contrives to go beyond this to bring new life into being. Marriage and conjugal love are by their nature ordained toward the procreation and education of children. Children are really the supreme gift of marriage and contribute in the highest degree to their parents welfare. ( Humanae Vitae - Paul VI, Pauline's Pub, no 9) Rev. Dcn. Nyonje 0704603297

ON HUMAN LIFE ( Part 2 )

Married Love.   Part 2 ...It is a love which is total - that very special form of personal friendship in which husband and wife generously share everything, allowing no unreasonable exceptions and not thinking solely of their own convenience. Whoever really loves his partner loves not only for what he receives, but loves that partner for the partner's own sake , content to be able to enrich the other with the gift of himself. Married love is also faithful and exclusive of all other , and this until death. This is how husband and wife understood it on the day on which,fully aware of what they were doing,they freely vowed themselves to one another in marriage. Though this fidelity of husband and wife sometimes presents difficulties,no one has the right to assert that it is impossible; it is on the contrary, always honorable and meritorious. The example of countless married couples proves not only that fidelity is in accord with the nature of marriage,but also that it is t


ON HUMAN LIFE Married Love part 1 In the light of these facts the characteristics features and exigencies of married love are clearly indicated,and it is of highest importance to evaluate them exactly. This love is above all fully human, a compound of sense and spirit. It is not, then merely a question of natural instinct or emotional drive. It is also, and above all, an act of the free will, whose trust is such that it is meant not only to survive the joys and sorrows of daily life,but also to grow,so as that husband and wife become in a way one heart and one soul, and together attain their human fulfillment. Continue part 2 in the next blog ( Humanae Vitae - Paul VI, Pauline's Pub, no.9 ) By Rev. Dcn. Nyonje 0704603297


DOCTRINE OF PURGATORY SCRIPTURAL BASIS In the New Testament, texts such as Matthew 5:26, 12:32 and 1Corinthians 3:10-15, are seen as the minor scriptural basis for Purgatory. The words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew leave the possibility that sins are forgiven not only in this world but also in the next. "... Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven,but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come..." ( Matthew 12:32) On the other hand, Joseph Ratzinger commenting on 1Cor 3:10-15 argues that purgatory is effected by the transforming power of the Lord himself who is the "fire judgement". In other words, purgatory is a process through which the human person is made conformable with Christ, God, and the entire community of the redeemed. Confir the notion of Sheol still active in the New Testament (Luke 16:19-31). By. Rev. Dcn. Nyonje 0704603297


DOCTRINE OF PURGATORY Introduction  Christianity teaches that those who die in the state of grace but still burdened with temporal punishment due sin already forgiven or still having the guilty of venial sin must undergo purification after death.  In other words,those who are fundamentally in the state of grace at the time of death can increase in perfection after death until they have reached a state worth of the union with God.  According to Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI), he views purgatory as the inwardly necessary process of transformation in which a person becomes capable of Christ, capable of God and thus capable of unity with the whole communion of Saints. ( For farther reading, kindly confer: Joseph Ratzinger Eschatology, pg 220-230 BY. Rev. Dcn. Nyonje 0704603297/ 0708607911


SADAKA YANGU- Fr.Kauki Chorus: Sadaka yangu, kwako ee Mungu Ni moyo mnyofu na uliopondeka (Tazama wapendezwa na kweli ya moyo Nawe wanijulisha hekima kwa siri Nioshe kabisa na uovu wangu wote Na kinywa changu kitanena sifa zako) x2 1. Maana wewe Bwana hupendezwi     Na dha-bihu za kuteketezwa     Ama- sivyo mimi ningalikutolea 2. Wapendezwa na dhabihu za haki       Kuto-ka- kwa moyo mnyofu Zitolewazo juu ya madhabahu yako 3. Ee Mungu wa wokovu wangu Unipe moyo radhi wa utii Usiniondolee Roho wako Mtakatifu


NIMEKOSA NIHURUMIE Chorus: Nimekosa, nimekosa, nimekosa Baba nimekosa nihurumie 1. Nimeyasema yasiyofaa ( kwako) Nimeyatenda yasiyofaa (Baba) Nimekosa ( nimekosa) nihurumie 2. Nimeyaona yasiyofaa (tena) nimesikia yasiyofaa (Baba) Nimekosa (Nimekosa) nihurumie 3. Kwa sababu ya matendo yangu (haya) jina lako latukanwa bure (Baba) Nimekosa (Nimekosa) nihurumie 4. Ninaleta familia yangu (kwako) ninayatubu makosa yao (yote) Nimekosa (Nimekosa) nihurumie 5. Ninaleta Kanisa lote (kwako) ninawaleta na viongozi (wake) Nimekosa (Nimekosa) nihurumie


MWAKA WA MT. YOSEFU Maadhimisho ya Mwaka wa Mtakatifu Yosefu yalizinduliwa tarehe 8 Desemba 2020 na yanatarajiwa kufungwa rasmi kwa kudema hapo tarehe 8 Desemba 2021.  Baba Mtakatifu Francisko katika Waraka wake wa Kitume “Patris Corde” yaani “Kwa Moyo wa Kibaba”: “Mwaka wa Mtakatifu Yosefu, Kumbukumbu ya Miaka 150 Tangu Mtakatifu Yosefu alipotangazwa Kuwa Msimamizi wa Kanisa la kiulimwengu” anataja sifa kuu za Mtakatifu Yosefu akisema kwamba ni: “Baba mpendevu, mwenye huruma na mapendo; mtiifu na mwepesi kukubali. Ni Baba aliyebahatika kuwa na kipaji cha ugunduzi na ujasiri, lakini alibaki akiwa amefichwa kwenye vivuli, akawajibika na kuwa ni chanzo cha furaha na sadaka binafsi katika maisha. Katika moyo wa unyenyekevu, Mtakatifu Yosefu aliyahifadhi mafumbo yote ya maisha yaliyomzunguka Mtoto Yesu na Mama yake Bikira Maria.  Mtakatifu Yosefu mtu wa busara na haki, alijiaminisha mbele ya Mwenyezi Mungu na kuyatekeleza yale yote aliyoambiwa na Malaika katika ndoto.  Lengo la


LITANIA YA MT. YOSEFU Bwana utuhurumie - Bwana utuhurumie Kristo Utuhurumie - Kristo Utuhurumie Bwana utuhurumie - Bwana utuhurumie Kristo utusikie - Kristo utusikilize Bwana wa Mbinguni, Mungu - utuhurumie Mwana, Mkombozi wa dunia Mungu - utuhurumie Roho Mtakatifu, Mungu mmoja - utuhurumie Utatu Mtakatifu - utuhurumie Maria Mtakatifu - utuombee Yosefu Mtakatifu - utuombee Mzao bora wa Daudi - utuombee Mwanga bora wa Mababu - utuombee Mume wa Mzazi wa Mungu - utuombee Mlinzi wa Mkombozi - utuombee Mlinzi safi wa Bikira - utuombee Mlishi wa Mwana wa Mungu - utuombee Mkingaji mwaminifu wa Kristo - utuombee Mhudumu wa Kristo - utuombee Mlinzi wa afya - utuombee Mkubwa wa jamaa takatifu - utuombee Yosefu mwenye haki - utuombee Yosefu mwenye usafi wa Moyo - utuombee Yosefu mwenye utaratibu - utuombee Yosefu hodari kabisa - utuombee Yosefu mtiifu kabisa - utuombee Yosefu mwaminifu kabisa - utuombee Kioo cha uvumilivu - utuombee Mpenda umaskini - utuombee Mfano wa watu wa kazi - u


WHY EASTER OCTAVE ( 8 DAYS AFTER EASTER SUNDAY STILL A SOLEMNITY). Dear friends in the Lord , receive my 2021 Easter greetings. For the entire week after Easter Sunday, the Church celebrates what is called an OCTAVE ( This is from Latin Octo which means eight). The Resurrection is so important that one day isn’t enough to celebrate it.  So for eight whole days, it is still actually 𝙀𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝘿𝙖𝙮.   The Easter Octave has its origins in celebrating the new resurrection-life of those who were baptised at the Easter Vigil. But the octave wasn’t just about the neophytes. The Church, through her liturgy, was continuing to remind them-and us! of the importance of remembering their baptism. Celebrating the anniversary of our baptism as a feast day, he says, should be a Christian instinct.  The joy that the Christian has had this past week must now flow over into a life of serving his neighbour. Right before His passion Jesus gave us the “new commandment” to “love one another


Dear friends in the Lord. Today after the President's directive on measures to combat the 3rd wave of covid-19, we have to note the discipline of the Church from ancient times. Why the Church doors remain open? John 24:1-3, on the morning during the resurrection of our Lord,the women who had prepared to annoint the Lord were amazed the stone was rolled out the tomb. They fell prostrate to worship the Lord upon the assurance by the Angel that he's alive. Dear all,the doors to the Church of Christ are not closed,public service may be closed but our freedom of worship remain unchanged.  It's high time we feel the pains the  disciples of Christ endured after resurrection, there's fear to hold public worship then for fear of the Roman soldiers and then lockdown. Unlike them, we had time to offer public service, did we encounter the Lord? Let's meet Christ present in the Eucharist, the Word , ministers and the Assembly. As we prepare for the Passion Sunday and


DAY 8 PRAYER OF CHRISTIAN UNITY. On the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul- Apostle. Monday 25th Jan 2021. Reconciling with all of creation: “So that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete” (John 15:11) Scripture Colossians 1:15-20,  In him all things hold together Mark 4:30-32,  As small as a mustard seed Meditation The hymn to Christ in the epistle to the Colossians invites us to sing the praise of God’s salvation, which encompasses the entire universe. Through the crucified and risen Christ, a path of reconciliation has been opened up; creation too is destined for a future of life and peace. With the eyes of faith, we see that the kingdom of God is a reality that is very close but still very small, hardly visible – like a mustard seed. However, it is growing. Even in the distress of our world the Spirit of the Risen One is at work. He encourages us to become involved – with all people of good will – in tirelessly seeking justice and peace, and ensuring


DAY 7 PRAYER OF CHRISTIAN UNITY Sunday 24th Jan 2021. Growing in Unity: “I am the vine, you are the branches” (John 15:5a) Scripture 1 Corinthians 1:10-13; 3:21-23, Is Christ divided? John 17:20-23, As you and I are one Meditation On the eve of his death, Jesus prayed for the unity of those the Father gave him: “that they may all be one... so that the world may believe.” Joined to him, as a branch is to the vine, we share the same sap that circulates among us and vitalizes us. Each tradition seeks to lead us to the heart of our faith: communion with God, through Christ, in the Spirit. The more we live this communion, the more we are connected to other Christians and to all of humanity. Paul warns us against an atti- tude that had already threatened the unity of the first Christians: absolutizing one’s own tradition to the detriment of the unity of the body of Christ. Differences then be- come divisive instead of mutually enrich- ing. Paul had a very broad vision: “All are y


BELOW ARE SOME TITLES OF THOSE IN CHURCH HIERARCHY. Prepared by Rev. Deacon. Nyonje In the Catholic Church we have the following hierarchy and how they are addressed. 1. TRANSITIONAL DEACONS- He is addressed simply as Rev. Deacon / Rev. Dcn. Note: He is transitional because he is NOT a permanent deacon. There are permanent deacons in the Catholic Church who are mostly married men - To see how they vest in liturgical celebration, please see the attached photo. ( Taken at St. Paul's Chapel University of Nairobi  { Kenya } on 21st December 2020 ) PERMANENT DRACONS:  are men ordained to an office ( dicaonate ) in the Catholic Church who normally have no intention or desire of becoming priests. They serve to those matters pertaining to office of deacons. He can be single or married. If the latter, he must be married before being ordained a deacon. If his wife dies before him, he may be ordained a priest if the bishop permits and approves. This is not common in Kenya. 2. REV


SATURDAY DAY 6 PRAYER OF CHRISTIAN UNITY. Welcoming others: “Go and bear fruit, fruit that will last” (John 15:16b) Scripture Genesis 18:1-5,  Abraham hosts the an- gels at the Oak of Mamre Mark 6:30-44,  Jesus’ compassion for the crowds Meditation When we let ourselves be transformed by Christ, his love in us grows and bears fruit. Welcoming the other is a concrete way of sharing the love that is within us. Throughout his life, Jesus welcomed those he met. He listened to them and let himself be touched by them without being afraid of their suffering. In the gospel account of the multiplica- tion of the loaves, Jesus is moved with com- passion after seeing the hungry crowd. He knows that the entire human person must be nourished, and that he alone can truly satisfy the hunger for bread and the thirst for life. But he does not wish to do this without his disciples, without that little something they can give him: five loaves and two fish. Even today he draws us to be co-work


FRIDAY 22nd Jan 2021. DAU 5 PRAER OF CHRISTIAN UNITY. Day 5:   Letting oneself be transformed by the Word: “You have already been pruned by the word...” (John 15:3) Scripture Deuteronomy 30:11-20,  The word of God is very close to you Matthew 5:1-12,  Blessed are you Meditation The Word of God is very close to us. It is a blessing and a promise of happiness. If we open our hearts, God speaks to us and patiently transforms that which is dying in us. God removes that which prevents the growth of real life, just as the vine grower prunes the vine. Regularly meditating on a biblical text, alone or in a group, changes our outlook. Many Christians pray the Beatitudes every day. The Beatitudes reveal to us a happiness that is hidden in that which is unfulfilled, a happiness that lies beyond suffering: blessed are those who, touched by the Spirit, no longer hold back their tears but let them flow and thus receive consolation. As they discover the wellspring hidden within their inne


DAY 4 PRAYER OF CHRISTIAN UNITY. 21st January 2021 . Praying together: “I do not call you servants any longer... but I have called you friends” (John 15:15) Scripture Romans 8:26-27, The Spirit helps us in our weakness Luke 11:1-4, Lord, teach us to pray Meditation God thirsts for a relationship with us. God searches for us as God searched for Adam, calling him in the garden: “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:9) In Christ, God came to meet us. Jesus lived in prayer, intimately united to his Father, while creating friendships with his disciples and all those he met. He introduced them to that which was most precious to him: the relationship of love with his Father, who is our Father. Jesus and his disciples sang psalms together, rooted in the richness of their Jewish tradition. At other times, Jesus retired to pray alone. Prayer can be solitary or shared with others. It can express wonder, complaint, intercession, thanksgiving or simple silence. Sometimes the desire to pray is the


DAY 3 PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY WEDNESDAY 20th January 2021.  Forming one body: “Love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12b) Scripture Colossians 3:12-17,  Clothe yourself with compassion John 13:1-15; 34-35,  Love one another Meditation On the eve of his death, Jesus knelt to wash the feet of his disciples. He knew the difficulty of living together and the importance of forgiveness and mutual service. “Unless I was you,” he said to Peter, “you have no share with me.” Peter received Jesus at his feet; he was washed and was touched by the humility and gentleness of Christ. Later he would follow Jesus’ example and serve the fellowship of the faithful in the early Church. Jesus wishes that life and love circulate through us as the sap through the vine, so that Christian communities be one body. But today as in the past, it is not easy to live together. We are often faced with our own limitations. At times we fail to love those who are close to us in a community, paris


SUNDAY OF THE WORD OF GOD AN OVERVIEW OF CHRIST THE UNIQUE WORD OF SACRED SCRIPTURE. By. Rev. Dcn. Samuel Nyonje ( Church of Nativity Kositei Parish - East Pokot Deanery ) Dear friends in Lord Jesus Christ, in the recent year, the Holy Father Pope Francis inaugurated the celebration of the Sunday of the Word of God. This day since last year as scheduled always fall on the 3rd Sunday of the Ordinary time. But why celebrate this Sunday of the Word of God within the week of the Prayer of Christian Unity? Simply, among the theses presented by Luther was on the issue of Sola Scriptura ( Scripture only ). In order to reveal himself to men, in the condensation of his goodness, God speaks to them in human words. For this reason, in which God spoke to men in their language by guidance of Holy Spirit, the Church has always venerated the Scripture as she venerate the Lord's Body. It's in the sacred Scripture that she finds her nourishment and strength, for she welcomes it not


DAY 2 PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY ( 19th January 2021 ) Maturing internally: “Abide in me as I abide in you” (John 15:4a) Scripture Ephesians 3:14-21, May Christ dwell in our hearts Luke 2:41-52, Mary treasured all these things     Meditation The encounter with Jesus gives rise to the desire to stay with him and to abide in him: a time in which fruit matures. Being fully human, like us Jesus grew and matured. He lived a simple life, rooted in the practices of his Jewish faith. In this hidden life in Nazareth, where apparently nothing extraordinary happened, the presence of the Father nourished him. Mary contemplated the actions of God in her life and in that of her son. She treasured all these things in her heart. Thus, little by little, she embraced the mystery of Jesus. We too need a long period of maturation, an entire lifetime, in order to plumb the depths of Christ’s love, to let him abide in us and for us to abide in him. Without our know- ing how, the Spirit makes C


Our worship is nothing without the Most Holy Eucharist, it's the source and summit of our Liturgy. Adoramus te, benedicimus te, glorificamus te. 


  CHRISTIAN UNITY PRAYER.      DAY 1 Called by God“You did not choose me by I choose you’’(John 15:16a) Genesis 12:1-4 The call of Abraham John 1:35-51 The call of the first disciples                       Meditation The start of the journey is an encounter between a human being and God, between the created and the creator, between time and eternity. Abraham heard the call; “go to the land i show you” like Abraham we are called to leave that which is familiar and go to the place that God has prepared in the depth of pour hearts. Along the way we become more and more of ourselves, the people God has wanted us to be from the beginning. And by following the call that is addressed to us we become a blessing for our loved ones, our neighbour and world. The love of God seeks us. God become human in Jesus, in whom we encounter the of gaze of God. In our lives, as in the gospel of John, God’s call is heard in different ways. Touched by his love, is set out. In this encounter we walk a path of


 Dear friends in the Lord, today the Church invites us to journey with her as we start the prayer of the Christian unity. That the intention of the Lord Jesus Christ may be fulfilled, that all may be one ( John 17). This remain the mission of the pilgrim Church and a mission of every member of the body - the Church. Wishing you fruitful prayers.