After the KCPE results were announced yesterday (28th March 2022) by the Education CS, many parents, teachers and pupils are seen celebrating because of the "good grades"... However, there's that band of innocent girls and boys who got less than the "expected marks". They have no one to celebrate them, they are in "trauma", some lack the sense of belonging...

Very. Rev. Fr. Thomas Nyutu, the Rector, St. Joseph Seminary Molo, has given his mind to the public for the suffering girls and boys in the community today.

Fr. Thomas Nyutu is a Priest in the Catholic Diocese of Nakuru- Kenya. He holds MA in Linguistics from The University of Nairobi-Kenya.

Dear Parents/guardians...

Kindly allow me to beg your indulgence on a pertinent issue:

KCPE results are already out while KCSE follows shortly later.

Please, let us purpose to be the voice of the downtrodden. 

For quite some time the whole society will be up in arms against the poor boys and girls whose KCPE/KCSE results will not hit the society's definition of success.

These are evidently our C sons and D daughters.

The media, (mainstream as well as social), will awash with praises and accolades for those who have "passed with flying colors," so much to the effect that the others whose marks were less than deemed good enough will feel like failures.

They are not. 

They will never be. 


Unless and until their parents declare them so.

These are success stories whose self esteem needs to be upheld.

In this academic test, they may not have produced all the right answers. But they are success stories.

Who does not know the limitations that accompany the examinations?

Dear parents/guardians, articulate it from the roof tops that these are the children of a successful Father? A prodigal (extravagant) Father who lavishes the errant with love!

As parents you hold the translation of the marks of your children into either success or failure; only you have the power to pronounce prophecies of success.

Daddy/mummy you have a special podium, a real rostrum from which to make the pronouncement with a lot of pride.

Talk for the disappointed children; as much as possible, talk to those of our sons and daughters who will score 227 marks... They need you now, more than ever.

It is okay to take pride in the 400s and 350s, yes; but please remember: the 200s and 170s; these more than any other, are your true children. 

They really are! They call you daddy/mummy. It is for times like these that you are their father/mother. Do not disown them now… 

Father them, mother them!

Share the success of the 100s and 200s, the story of the D daughters and C sons.

In any case, when the 400s go to prestigious institutions, and some eventually fly away overseas, you will have your children with you in that village.

Reserve the best of your energies for these.


By. Rev. Fr. Samuel Nyonje- St. Joseph Seminary- Molo - 0704603297

Let your Son be part of us at St. Joseph Seminary- Molo ( It's a boys Secondary school in Nakuru County).


Apt! Truer words haven't been said.
Fr Joseph Ngure said…
Very encouraging article for many in our families. Thank you both Padres for your courage to articulate the clarion call to encourage the discouraged.
Unknown said…
The society has messed with so many pupils and students who would have made it in life through other means apart from education.
Modern times are here with us where education, though very important, is not the only detonation and key to success.

.,.......with open arms, smiley faces and clean hearts, let us congratulate all candidates of this year.
Unknown said…
Powerful words. We should celebrate all the kids.
Fr. Miring'u said…
The father of the prodigal son invited both to the feast. Parents should celebrate and offer thanksgiving services for all their sons and daughters. They should be happy that all have persevered the demanding studies to the end.

Wanjiru said…
Well said and an eye opener for us parents with kids waiting to sit for exams in the near future. Thank you Father
Unknown said…
Thank you for encouragement and full of wisdom
Unknown said…
The third eye in the society which deviates from the falsely held norm that 400 plus or 300 plus are an indication that life will be a success for the child in future. No, the ground is different. An Mca or an MP who scored 200 or a D @ KCSE is doing better than a professor who scored As at all levels. The faulted academic scores in our education system is not an adequate measure of one's intelligence. There are more measures. Let those who scored 100 or 200 kn
ow that they can still make it in life better than those whose had 400!
True statement from the spiritual father to our children at Baraka.
Parents, remember that the average children are the future innovators and employers....embrace them and give them the support and encouragement they a way opener towards their paths to success... furthermore...we do not have failures in the current education system. Big up and congratulations to the 220s and 100s....the sky is always the limit.
Jared Aoko said…
Failure in life is not failure in life. Thanks Father
Jared Aoko said…
Failure in education is not a failure in life
Jared Aoko said…
Failure in education does not necessarily mean failure in life. Thanks Father. We can still make the lives of those children better.
Well said Fr.God bless you

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