This Chaplet was dedicated to Sr. Faustina by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself in Vilnius on September 13-14, 1935, as a prayer of atonement and for the appeasement of God's wrath.
Those who recite this Chaplet offer to God the Father "the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity", of Jesus Christ in atonement for their sins , the sins of their loved ones , and those of the entire world. By uniting themselves with the sacrifice of Jesus , they appeal to the great love that our Heavenly Father has for His Son and, in Him, for all humanity.
By means of this prayer , the petitioners request "mercy on us and on the whole world", and by so doing , they perform a work of mercy. If the faithful add to this the foundation of trust and fulfill the conditions regarding every good prayer ( humility, perseverance, matters in conformity with God's will), they can expect the fulfillment of Christ's promises which are particularly related to the hour of death: the grace of conversion and peaceful death.
Not only will the people who say the Chaplet receive these graces, but also the dying at whose side others will recite this prayer. The Lord said : "When this Chaplet is said by the bedside of a dying person, God's anger is placated, unfathomable mercy envelopes the Soul" ( Diary 811). The general promise says: " It pleases Me to grant everything they ask of Me by saying the Chaplet" (Diary 1541) "...if what you ask for is compatible with My will" (Diary 1731). For anything that is not compatible with God's will is not good for people , especially for their eternal happiness.
This work has been copied from the Diary of St. Sr. Faustina Kowalska
By: Rev. Fr. Samuel Muhanji Nyonje
0708607911 / 0704603297