DAY 1

Called by God“You did not choose me by I choose you’’(John 15:16a)

Genesis 12:1-4 The call of Abraham

John 1:35-51 The call of the first disciples


The start of the journey is an encounter between a human being and God, between the created and the creator, between time and eternity. Abraham heard the call; “go to the land i show you” like Abraham we are called to leave that which is familiar and go to the place that God has prepared in the depth of pour hearts. Along the way we become more and more of ourselves, the people God has wanted us to be from the beginning. And by following the call that is addressed to us we become a blessing for our loved ones, our neighbour and world. The love of God seeks us. God become human in Jesus, in whom we encounter the of gaze of God. In our lives, as in the gospel of John, God’s call is heard in different ways. Touched by his love, is set out. In this encounter we walk a path of transformation- bright beginning of a relationship of love that is always started anew.One day you understood that, without you being aware of it, a yes had already been inscribed your innermost depth. And so you choose to go forward in the footsteps of Christ... in silence in the presence of Christ, you heard him say “ come, follow me; I will give you a place to rest your heart.” (The source of Taize (2000)p.52)


Jesus Christ, you seek us, you wish to offer us your friendship and lead us to a life that is ever more complete. Grant us the confidence to answer your call so that we may be transformed and become witnesses of your tenderness for the world. Amen.

Lets us pray for the Orthodox Churches

Each day, we will pray for the conversion to Christ for a specific Church, believing that getting closer to Christ by a genuine daily effort to imitate him, we will get closer to one another as disciples of the Gospel. Today we pray for the Holy Orthodox Church, for the Ecumenical Patriarch of Istanbul, Bartholomew for the Patriarch of Moscow, Kyrill for the Greek Patriarch Jerusalem, the Coptic Patriarch of Cairo, those of Antioch and the other Churches and their faithful. We pray that they all be faithful to the Gospel of Gospel of Christ and that they come closer to him in their daily lives. We pray in particular for the Church members in the Middle East who are migrating in the great numbers because of war or persecution; may the Lord have mercy on them, show them that his love and protect them. Amen


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