
Showing posts from March, 2021


Dear friends in the Lord. Today after the President's directive on measures to combat the 3rd wave of covid-19, we have to note the discipline of the Church from ancient times. Why the Church doors remain open? John 24:1-3, on the morning during the resurrection of our Lord,the women who had prepared to annoint the Lord were amazed the stone was rolled out the tomb. They fell prostrate to worship the Lord upon the assurance by the Angel that he's alive. Dear all,the doors to the Church of Christ are not closed,public service may be closed but our freedom of worship remain unchanged.  It's high time we feel the pains the  disciples of Christ endured after resurrection, there's fear to hold public worship then for fear of the Roman soldiers and then lockdown. Unlike them, we had time to offer public service, did we encounter the Lord? Let's meet Christ present in the Eucharist, the Word , ministers and the Assembly. As we prepare for the Passion Sunday and...